Across the sea on the other side of the world

My appearance on Oprah aired again in Australia yesterday and I heard from many new people moved by my mission. While I received many letters I wanted to share two of them with you. It is amazing to be able to reach people across the world. with my message and mission. I am headed to speak tomorrow in Washington, D.C. for the United States Department of Education national conference on Erin’s Law.

My name is Sarah  and I am a 30 year old mum from Newcastle, Australia.

I was talking to my husband last week about my passion to stand in the gap and empower children regarding abuse (sexual and physical).  I feel burdened and am sure it is part of my life’s calling to be doing something in this regard.  It is heart breaking that so many children are abused and yet it continues to happen and the statistics increase and yet nothing is happening to help children  speak up and know what is ok and what is not.  It breaks my heart that I can inform and protect my children but yet so many others are not.  I am often bought to tears and feel guilty that my children are so blessed to be in a safe and loving home – I want to be able to do more!

When talking with my husband last week and feeling frustrated at not knowing where to start, I spent some time in prayer and I felt to meet with my daughters school principal and find out what they currently do to educate young children (in an age appropriate manner).  It just seems crazy to me that there are multiple educational programs that are run through schools on the environment, health, fitness, fire & safety etc but nothing on abuse??  I then plan to write to other local schools and see if there is anything that anyone is currently doing.  I will also write to the Minister of Education and local MPs.

AND THEN… I watch Oprah today and saw you speak about ‘Erin’s Law’ – you practically articulated exactly what I felt needs to be happening here in Australia, I was completely inspired!  You are an incredible person and I thank God for gutsy women like you that are passionate about standing up for the rights of helpless children!

So I was wondering if you can send me any information you can about the Law that has been passed, relevant programs, books etc and any advice you may have about where I can start moving toward something similar happening in Australia.  What is the best way to connect with the government?

Thank you so much for your time, I eagerly await your response!



Hi Erin,

I was watching Oprah today while cleaning up after my kids and saw you speaking about child abuse. After hearing about your efforts getting a law passed educating school children. I am not the person to be emailing praise and comments to people on achievements, I think about it, but don’t. I can honestly say, having two children my biggest fear is my children’s future, and to hear across the other side of the world a woman who uses her pain and suffering to make a difference for hundreds if not thousands of other children she probably will never meet, I am so proud of you! My eyes were welling up with tears hearing your story.

It only gets better! When I logged onto your website to find an email address or anything, to see that you had quoted a proverb “Trust in the with all your heart… ” made me even more proud! Being a christian, it is so encouraging just to read that!.

Thank you for your efforts and I hope that your story, and efforts inspire some people down here is Australia to do the same!

Well done!

Queensland, Australia


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Erin Merryn Founder of Erin's Law

November 29, 2017

Erin Talks with Oprah

October 2010