Going Back to a Closed Door

I did an hour radio interview today. I have another next week. I have been doing a lot of them lately. The host of this show asked me last week if I would start off with a poem I posted on here back in November called “Going Back to a Closed Door”. She read it and read my second book Living For Today and felt this poem says a lot for those who do not know my story. It is a very deep poem and graphic however I felt for those that don’t know my story or my lurkers that do know my story and don’t believe it (yes I see you and believe me there is a lot I don’t post here because I know your checking in). I would urge you to at least listen to the first 8 minutes of this interview. Listen to the words in this poem and you will get a true sense of just some of the horror I went through as a child. Let me know what you think and for you lurkers I know you won’t comment but at least I hope it opens your eyes.

Radio Interview

If you want to listen in next week check out where you can listen on Best Life Barb


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