Life Caught on Camera
As many people that follow me know by now a lot of my childhood was caught on camera. My mother caught some very funny, innocent, family moments on camera. With it being child abuse awareness month I have decide to post some of those childhood moments throughout the month. The videos I enjoy most are those ages 5 and under. In this video I knew no evil. My innocence was still there. I can hear the joy in my voice. I was very trusting at this age. Exactly a year later that would all be taken.
This one is a family classic when my older sister Michelle (Caitlin) in my books, always had to have the camera on her and only her and when it isn’t only on her or she isn’t getting her way watch what happens. The entire video is not uploaded but I can tell you the actual video ends with my older sister pouting in the kitchen because she doesn’t get the camera to herself.