Please vote on your favorite cover design

This week my editor Michele from my amazing publishing company Health Communications Inc. emailed me with what I have been waiting to see the cover designs for my next book “Living For Today” that will be published in the Fall. I must say opening the document with the designs was like opening a Christmas present not knowing what would be inside. Knowing that one of these five designs will eventually be the front cover to the journey that has taken me over 2 years to write. A journey I often thought about giving up on. A journey that kept me up many late nights pouring my heart and soul into this book. It was one of those late nights that the title came to me. It was my first title choice and I gave my publishing company many ideas but they liked my first one the best. I wrote chapters in “Living For Today” that I never imagined I would be writing. Through those chapters more chapters of my life began to play out before my eyes. So many things I was confused about I found meaning. Writing this book allowed me to face many things that I do not think I would have addressed in my life.

Honestly thinking back to that phone call nearly 3 years ago from the Vice President of Health Communications Inc. who asked me my thoughts on writing another book for HCI on how my life has changed by going public with such a hushed topic in society and not only the good I have seen come from it but also the not so good. Little did I know at that moment when I agreed to write this book the incredible journey I would continue down in my life. My biggest message I want readers to take away as they come to the final page is the understanding that you can turn your pain around and find purpose that even in the darkest of times in your life you can find the light again. I live a life with a heart filled with joy not bitterness, peace not anger, and forgiveness not rage. It is my hope those that have been affected by tragedy and evil can find that same place I have discovered.

Once I scrolled through the five cover designs two stuck out at me the most but I found my favorite. I agreed with my editor on our favorite but now I want my readers who hopefully next fall will have this as their next book club selection or present wrapped under the Christmas tree to give to someone that needs hope in their life. So let me know by posting your favorite cover design and maybe why. In case your wondering why each design has a Daisy it’s because a Daisy represents innocence. So cast your vote. Lets see who agrees with me.

Now I need to decide on a subtitle. The subtitle you see on all five designs my editor just added in to see how it would look as far as color and where it would go however it may not be too far off. I am not sure if I want the word “incest” on the front cover. I just feel that word scares people away because society sends us that message of stigma and shame especially when it involves a family member. The last thing I want to do is people walk away from even opening the book in curiosity because they see the word “incest.” The word does not bother me however I know many people it does. So I am not yet sure what the subtitle will be. Check back in the next week where I will post which cover design I have decided on.

Cover 1

Cover 2

Cover 3

Cover 4

Cover 5


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