Schaumburg Magazine Article

If you have been following my blog you may remember back in October when I talked about an interview I did with my local paper the “Daily Herald.” An article that was suppose to come out that month took five months and ended up not in the paper but the town magazine. There was debate about printing the story because of my pen name Erin Merryn since it is not my legal name. I told them my reasons of how I want to get an important message out without identifying my relatives. I have been able to reach so many in communities in so many different states but unable for years to get my own community where much of this abuse happened to give attention to this silent epidemic. It only took 5 years to finally convince the Daily Herald of how important this was and what message they are sending if they ignore what I was trying to get across. So 5 months after doing the interview it arrived on the doorsteps of homes throughout the town of Schaumburg today inserted in with the paper in the town magazine that comes out six times a year. The magazine is also delivered to 25,000 businesses and hotels in my town.

The article reveals one chapter of my life I left out of the first book. Which after you read my second book that will be released in the fall you will completely understand even more why I am so dedicated to this cause. I know all too well how much evil is lurking in our neighborhoods. I also know how to expose it.

There is something else I have come to a conclusion about while the article did not reach the homes of millions throughout the suburbs of Chicago that the Daily Herald reaches it also did not just get one day of reaching people. This magazine is the March and April issue that will sit in 25,000 businesses in this city for the next two months. Giving me more time to reach others who may just be sitting in their doctors office and come across it. It will also be out during that important month of April known as Child Abuse Prevention Month.

There were a few errors in the article but I have learned with any interview they don’t always turn out perfect and mistakes are made. The state senator they mention is not the senator I have been in contact with. I have never spoken to that man but maybe he will read the article and help me in my efforts. The correct state senator I have spoken with is John Millner. They reported that the Children’s Advocacy Center sees 300-400 clients a month she meant to say year. However maybe that little mistake will get peoples attention to the importance of what these centers do for children and the importance of them. There were a few other little things like not having a strong enough case to make an arrest for the rape when I was just weeks shy of my 7th birthday well it was more like someone decided to use his constitutional rights to remain silent and wouldn’t say a word to the detective. That is a whole other story in itself that you can learn more about in the fall when my book comes out. I can say this much I have confronted both of them the same way and forgiven both of them because I do not allow the evil inside of them define me. I am not called to judge for their actions that is in God’s hands and while the justice system cannot hold everyone accountable for their actions God does. I hope and pray both these men make peace with God and do not allow the devil to tempt them at hurting anyone else. My biggest fear is learning that they have done it again which is why I pray God will protect them from showing another child the evil I saw in both of them. Click on this post to read the article it is on pages 5-7.


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