Erin’s Law Making Headlines
To say I have been busy is an understatement. I had 8 layovers last month at Charlotte, North Carolina airport. It is that time of year and with April being Child Abuse Awareness Month I certainly bring awareness to this silent epidemic in our world.
I want to point out to all my followers I truly appreciate your words, encouragement, and support for my mission of taking Erin’s Law national. Many of you write me and each of your letters holds deep meaning for me. I found myself so consumed for so many years in responding to the hundreds of letters I get every month that it started to turn into a job in itself. I hear from survivors, parents of children who have been abused, parents asking me to help them get their children back from their abusive parent, sex offenders, lawmakers, prevention organizations, requests to write forewords for books, pursuing writers who want to be authors looking for advice, etc. It is impossible for me to respond to all of these on top of all the other things I do between traveling, speaking, media interviews, 220pgs into writing a 3rd book, being a substitute teacher in an elementary and high school district, spending hours on the phone or in email exchanges with senators in other states on Erin’s law, press conferences, and testifying on behave of Erin’s law before other states. Might I add still have a social life of making time for my family, boyfriend, and friends.
Thank God I was blessed with a lot of energy and someone with a lot of determination to get done what I set out to accomplish. I’ve made it very clear my mission is passing Erin’s Law in all 50 states. Well things are truly starting to come together and it truly helps with the media covering the importance of this law and people like yourself reaching out to your lawmakers and making them aware of this law. I cannot begin to tell you the senators in every state I have reached out to. I have sent thousands of emails and I will keep sending thousands of emails until I can say mission accomplished. It is truly turning into an amazing year but I already knew it would. Many years ago God told me 2012 was going to be an amazing year for me. I continued to hear that message from him and I am now seeing what he is talking about.
Maria Shriver gave light to my law last month on her website through an article I wrote. Check it out.
Indiana Governor Daniels signed Erin’s Law April 11 It never received a single no vote in Indiana.
Indiana makes that the 3rd state to pass Erin’s Law. (Illinois, Missouri, Indiana)
Last week I flew to the capital of New York to speak at a press conference and be in the chambers as senators voted on Erin’s Law. I spent over $600.00 of my own money on this trip but it is worth every penny to save the innocence, minds, and bodies of children. I will empty my checking and savings account if I have to, to protect and educate children from sexual abuse.
Please watch if you haven’t. You will hear the passion in my voice to get this done and watch as senators discuss and vote on Erin’s law and the outcome of the vote being 55-1. Right after the vote two male senators approached me and said they were survivors of sexual abuse and said I was right that most of the time children know their abuser and both of them knew their abuser.
The Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Sponsor of Erin’s Law in N.Y. had me come down on the floor and take a picture together.
New York Senate Floor April 30, 2012
I sat down with NY10 news after the vote and did an interview.
New York Senate Passes Erin’s Law
Announcement of Passage of Erin’s Law New York
Senate Passes Bill to Teach Sexual Abuse Prevention in Schools
Michigan Senators Proos, Emmons and Warren introduced Erin’s Law last week just as I was returning from a victory in New York.
Erin’s Law introduced in Michigan Senate
Michigan Erin’s Law introduced May 2012
Michigan Radio News Covers Erin’s Law
Check out the page on my website on Erin’s Law and you will see a map I have added of where each state stands. If you see nothing over your state that means nothing is currently being done there on Erin’s Law.
I said at the end of my 2nd book Living for Today I want to see legislation passed in all states to educate children on sexual abuse and empower them with their voice to tell. I am getting the job done no matter what it takes me I won’t stop until it is passed in every state and I have enough confidence that it will happen. Just wait and see.
Finally I wanted to share this. I had no idea this was going to air Live on Oprah’s network last month from her Life Class on Forgiveness. She used a piece from an interview on her Life class I participated in back in October with her. Oprah’s executive producer sent me a message the night it aired and said, “I hope you saw yourself teaching the world tonight.” I had missed it but caught the rerun later that night. I share this because it was forgiveness that set me free and given me the ability to accomplish what I have set out to do in this world. Children are waiting to be empowered with their voice. Children will go to bed tonight carrying the same secrets I carried as a kid. I won’t let another generation go uneducated on sexual abuse prevention. It is time to empower kids with their voice and put sex offenders out of business.
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