Erin’s Law Making Headlines
To say I have been busy is an understatement. I had 8 layovers last month at Charlotte, North Carolina airport. It is that time of year and with April being Child Abuse Awareness Month I certainly bring awareness to this silent epidemic in our world. I want to point out to all my followers I […]
We All Need Balance
We all need balance in our lives. If you don’t have balance you will get burnt out and find yourself unhappy or unfulfilled. If you find yourself working too much you begin to hate your job if you don’t already. Many people wake up and dread going to work but for most we don’t have […]
Forgiveness Leads to Freedom
Forgiving those that hurt you You can watch the entire service by clicking on the link above. This is the message spoken from the heart that was shared at my church on Sunday and now is the first thing you see on my website. If you have ever wondered how I have become to be […]
Erin Merryn on CNN
Yesterday I appeared in a live interview on CNN. How did this happen? Well I got a phone call on my birthday from CNN asking to do an interview on me about Erin’s law. I was told they do this segment on the Brooke Baldwin show called “We Can Do Better” and they wanted to […]
Lots of news on Erin’s Law across the country
“If you believe you can achieve!” 11 months after Erin’s law was signed by my own Governor of Illinois and 6 months since Missouri Governor Jay Nixon signed it this week New York senate has introduced the bill and has been assigned to be heard by the Senate Education Committee. (Erin’s Law N.Y. Language) I […]
Erin Merryn
Please Share In the holiday season I ask that you pass this video on to 5-10 people and ask them to do the same. My goal is to get thousands to have viewed this video by the New Year when several more states will be introducing Erin’s law in 2012.
What is Your Purpose?
We all have a purpose in life. Have you discovered yours yet? It can be whatever you feel you were meant to do with your life. What is your calling? Is there something you want to do but think you cannot do it. Anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself. I discovered […]
Is Your Glass Half Full?
Would you describe yourself as a person who is glass half full or half empty? The glass half full is usually described as someone who is optimistic and happy where half empty look at life in a negative/ pessimistic way. The choice on how you look at life is up to you. I can personally […]
13 Years Later Never Would Have Thought…..
13 years ago on April 30, 1998 I was walking into The Children’s Advocacy Center for the first time and broke my silence. I never would have imagined 13 years later I would be looking into the same large mirror staring at myself in the interview room I first broke my silence in. 13 years […]