Maria Shriver brings awareness to “Erin’s Law”
If you were to go on Maria Shriver’s blog or her facebook page you will see she is giving light to Erin’s law through an article I wrote for her to recognize the work I am doing with Erin’s Law. Roanoke, VA Thursday night event. I just returned from Virginia where I spoke to […]
We All Need Balance
We all need balance in our lives. If you don’t have balance you will get burnt out and find yourself unhappy or unfulfilled. If you find yourself working too much you begin to hate your job if you don’t already. Many people wake up and dread going to work but for most we don’t have […]
Is Your Glass Half Full?
Would you describe yourself as a person who is glass half full or half empty? The glass half full is usually described as someone who is optimistic and happy where half empty look at life in a negative/ pessimistic way. The choice on how you look at life is up to you. I can personally […]