Forgiveness Leads to Freedom
Forgiving those that hurt you You can watch the entire service by clicking on the link above. This is the message spoken from the heart that was shared at my church on Sunday and now is the first thing you see on my website. If you have ever wondered how I have become to be […]
Erin Merryn on CNN
Yesterday I appeared in a live interview on CNN. How did this happen? Well I got a phone call on my birthday from CNN asking to do an interview on me about Erin’s law. I was told they do this segment on the Brooke Baldwin show called “We Can Do Better” and they wanted to […]
Live with Oprah tonight. Join us!
Last week while working away on my 3rd book I got an email from a producer at Harpo. She asked me if I had time to talk. I thought well this is strange why are they calling me Oprah ended her show. I spoke with the producer who was calling about a letter I sent […]
The F Word
You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well-Lewis B Smedes. There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness- Josh Billings It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.-author unknown The weak can never forgive. […]
A week away from technology…could you do it?
Could you walk away from technology for a week? Have your phone and computer taken away with no away of using it. A week away from television. Well I am about to experience that as I turn off my computer tomorrow night and turn off my cell phone Sunday morning as I begin a week […]