It was Friday the 13th………
It was Friday the 13th of March 1998 the last time I was ever abused. I can say I have never seen any of the Friday the 13th movies for good reason. I already felt like I was in my own horror movie on Friday the 13th when I was 13 years old. I didn’t […]
Life Changing Experience:RFK Camp
As I promised I wanted to share my experience a week away all last week working at a camp in Wisconsin for abused children who are all in foster care. I am writing this to the sound of tornado sirens going off. Sunday Counselors arrived in the morning and unpacked, decorated rooms, had lunch, met […]
A week away from technology…could you do it?
Could you walk away from technology for a week? Have your phone and computer taken away with no away of using it. A week away from television. Well I am about to experience that as I turn off my computer tomorrow night and turn off my cell phone Sunday morning as I begin a week […]