ESPN: Beckie Francis: I was abused by dad
(ESPN) ROCHESTER MICH. (AP) — Beckie Francis remembers sitting on her couch last year, staring in amazement as she watched Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts reveal on TV that he was a survivor of sexual abuse. Francis turned to her husband and told him she could do the same thing. The women’s basketball coach at […]
Penn State/Syracuse University Scandals, Erin’s Law News
Should schools teach sexual abuse education? Watch video below on Erin’s Law New York news with sponsor of Erin’s Law Senator Valesky Nov. 20, 2011 Article in Auburn, N.Y. paper today Nov. 20, 2011 Erin’s Law would mandate sexual abuse education-Auburn, New York 3 Weeks ago here I was introducing “Erin’s Law” in Syracuse, New […]