“Screams only I can hear, a face only I can see, pain only I can feel, tears only I can taste, a day only I will never forget.”
As I was being driven back to the airport last April after one of my many spring events the director of the agency asked me if it is hard after I am done giving the speech. When I am no longer standing in front of an audience and I am alone. Does bringing it all […]
Penn State/Syracuse University Scandals, Erin’s Law News
Should schools teach sexual abuse education? Watch video below on Erin’s Law New York news with sponsor of Erin’s Law Senator Valesky Nov. 20, 2011 Article in Auburn, N.Y. paper today Nov. 20, 2011 Erin’s Law would mandate sexual abuse education-Auburn, New York 3 Weeks ago here I was introducing “Erin’s Law” in Syracuse, New […]
Waiting For That Day
I was weeks shy of seven When my innocence was taken to Heaven That day I went through Hell And I didn’t know how to tell. If you witnessed what I saw You would support Erin’s Law. Having to face that six in a half year old Fifteen years later telling her you told. Entering […]