Panic Attacks
“Screams only I can hear, a face only I can see, pain only I can feel, tears only I can taste, a day only I will never forget.”
As I was being driven back to the airport last April after one of my many spring events the director of the agency asked me if it is hard after I am done giving the speech. When I am no longer standing in front of an audience and I am alone. Does bringing it all […]
Broken Girl
Matthew West has this new song called Broken Girl. It is a song he wrote after many survivors of childhood abuse wrote in telling their stories to him. The words of his song can grab at the hearts of anyone who has been abused. I made a youtube video to the song just click on […]
My Biggest Enemy
My biggest enemy is not the man that raped me as a child nor is it the relative that molested me for a year and a half. While I have the face of the man that raped me and the relative that molested me burned into my memory I don’t know what my biggest enemy […]