
July 25th, 1999

The following is a diary entry part of it is published in my first book Stolen Innocence on page 80.  I came upon this tonight. This is the portion I did not publish in my first book. July 25th, 1999 @ 10:30pm I have been praying to Jesus to help me. I sit here right […]

Your Worst Enemy

Although I have traveled down dark roads at a very young age, I have come as far as I have because I am not alone. God has been holding my hand through it all. When I could not find my way through darkness, He carried me. When I cried myself to sleep, He rocked me […]

My Biggest Enemy

My biggest enemy is not the man that raped me as a child nor is it the relative that molested me for a year and a half. While I have the face of the man that raped me and the relative that molested me burned into my memory I don’t know what my biggest enemy […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is bittersweet holiday for me. It is a time to be thankful in life for family, friends, good health, etc. It is also a reminder of the people that are no longer apart of my life. People I once considered family.  Unlike all the other holidays Thanksgiving is the one where I feel people […]


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