An Unimaginable Act
I begin my third book: An Unimaginable Act with the introduction describing the worst day of my life at just the tender age of 6 weeks shy of my 7th birthday. Details of that day that have never been made public before. Details I have only ever shared with a therapist, my husband, and editor […]
Article in Pittsburg KS Morning Sun Newspaper
I did an interview over the phone yesterday with reporter for the morning sun in Kansas. I am flying out there tomorrow to speak and do a book signing of “Living For Today” I was really happy with the turnout of the article. She did a great job. Check it out. http://www.morningsun.net/featured/x1031040745/FIGHTING-ABUSE
Your Worst Enemy
Although I have traveled down dark roads at a very young age, I have come as far as I have because I am not alone. God has been holding my hand through it all. When I could not find my way through darkness, He carried me. When I cried myself to sleep, He rocked me […]
My Biggest Enemy
My biggest enemy is not the man that raped me as a child nor is it the relative that molested me for a year and a half. While I have the face of the man that raped me and the relative that molested me burned into my memory I don’t know what my biggest enemy […]