Sex Education


Below is the commercial that will begin airing on national TV starting in July. I will get a list of all the national networks it will appear on very soon. I am in it speaking about CAC’s. I taped this in Florida in March.

Erin’s Law passed by Illinois Senate

What a day! What a success! Thursday night just before 8pm I got word from Senator Tim Bivins that we would testify tomorrow morning before the senate education committee at 9am. That was going to make for a very early morning. I kept waking up all night then Chance woke me barking at 2am to […]

Erin’s Law (See Bill Attached)

I am so grateful for state senator of Illinois Tim Bivins. I met with him on April 19th and 9 days later he attached a bill to Erin’s Law. He is asking me to testify at the capital before the senate. When I ended my 2nd book saying I am going after legislation that will […]

Meeting with a State Senator

I have been traveling all over the place throughout the month. The month started with my trip to Miami Florida where I appeared on a documentary to appear on PBS and be distributed to 700 Children’s Advocacy Centers in America. I then appeared by myself in a 30 second commercial promoting children’s advocacy centers and […]

Article in Pittsburg KS Morning Sun Newspaper

I did an interview over the phone yesterday with reporter for the morning sun in Kansas. I am flying out there tomorrow to speak and do a book signing of “Living For Today” I was really happy with the turnout of the article. She did a great job. Check it out.


Featured Videos

Erin Merryn Founder of Erin's Law

November 29, 2017

Erin Talks with Oprah

October 2010