Do not let the Sun go Down while you are still Angry
I remember looking up into this man’s face and could not understand why he was smiling by causing me so much pain as I cried begging him to stop. The innocent 7 year old that I was could not make sense of it. Raping me once was not enough he continued to torture me and […]
“Screams only I can hear, a face only I can see, pain only I can feel, tears only I can taste, a day only I will never forget.”
As I was being driven back to the airport last April after one of my many spring events the director of the agency asked me if it is hard after I am done giving the speech. When I am no longer standing in front of an audience and I am alone. Does bringing it all […]
Video of recent travels from September speaking
Been a busy month of traveling. Just some clips from speaking in two of the states I was in this month Alabama and Texas.
Who is your Abigail in your life?
Every Wednesday night I go to “the gathering” at my church. It is a service put on by the 20’s ministry in my church. Usually I am looking forward to going. Wednesday night I sit with friends at the gathering then we all go out afterwords. Last night I really did not have the energy […]
I thought forgiveness was the hardest stage
What does it feel like to accomplish what you go after? It feels pretty amazing but then again I had no doubt I could accomplish Erin’s law. Sunday I appeared on the front page of the Daily Herald, two weeks earlier I was on the front page of the Daily Herald. Monday the entire Editorial […]
Homework Assignment for Parents
If your a parent I have a homework assignment for you. After you finish dinner and your children’s homework is done it is time for you to start your homework assignment. Turn off the television your favorite show is going to have to wait (record it), turn off the video games, and sit your kids […]
Erin’s Law passed by Illinois Senate
What a day! What a success! Thursday night just before 8pm I got word from Senator Tim Bivins that we would testify tomorrow morning before the senate education committee at 9am. That was going to make for a very early morning. I kept waking up all night then Chance woke me barking at 2am to […]
Warning: May Trigger Many Please Read with Caution
On a cold January 1992 day I went to my friends to play. Toys scattered the floor As he walked in and closed the door. He locked anyone from coming in From allowing the outside to see his sin. Forcing a little girl to the bed I trembled at what he said. “I will tie […]
July 25th, 1999
The following is a diary entry part of it is published in my first book Stolen Innocence on page 80. I came upon this tonight. This is the portion I did not publish in my first book. July 25th, 1999 @ 10:30pm I have been praying to Jesus to help me. I sit here right […]
My Biggest Enemy
My biggest enemy is not the man that raped me as a child nor is it the relative that molested me for a year and a half. While I have the face of the man that raped me and the relative that molested me burned into my memory I don’t know what my biggest enemy […]